What’s The Best Age to See An Orthodontist?

If your child is around 7 years old, it’s time for orthodontic x-rays and a quick exam. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children be screened by an orthodontist at age 7. At age 7, permanent teeth begin to move into the mouth; making possible future orthodontic problems more predictable.

How Often Will My Child Need To Be Seen By An Orthodontist?

As your child develops, they won't need to see the orthodontist as often as their regular dentist for cleanings. After your child’s first appointment, we’ll recommend how often we’ll need to see them back based on what we are watching develop in their mouth.

If your child needs orthodontic treatment in the future, we can plan accordingly as their mouth continues to develop. While you can still correct a lot of orthodontic problems as an adult, it can be easier if you're younger. Creating space and correcting bites while the jaw and facial bones are developing as a child can yield great results. Adult patients can also have great success too, but sometimes specific bites will need surgery.

Will My Child Get Braces Right Away?

During your first appointment, we will create a treatment plan. Most children that need future orthodontic treatment do not receive braces immediately. At Hillam Orthodontics, we often wait to allow the jaw and teeth to develop. Research shows that watching the mouth for a while before treatment will yield the best results. Treatment plans can start in many ways, including palate expanders, retainers, baby tooth extractions, braces, or just keeping an eye on how things develop.

Can Adults See Orthodontists Too?

Luckily, orthodontic care isn’t limited to children. Even adults can correct their bites, straighten teeth, and ultimately, change lives through orthodontic care. If you’re looking to change your smile, don’t wait another day! Contact us today to set up your free consultation appointment.

Schedule an Appointment

With Hillam Orthodontics’ free consultations, you won’t need to stress over your first appointment. We make it easy! Within your first appointment, we’ll take x-rays, examine your bite and teeth, and create a treatment plan. Schedule your free consultation today!

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Board-certified Orthodontists
Offices in Idaho Falls, Driggs, & Afton
3 generations of doctors practicing since 1966

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